Succeed Granules 3.75 lb

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Digestive imbalance is something of an occupational hazard for the modern performance horse. Grass and other forages are not sufficient to provide the energy horses need for performance. But grain feed, which provides this energy, is not easily digested. Even higher fat, higher fiber diets may allow starch to reach the hindgut, which can lead to a series of problems.

If your horse is confined to a stall 6 or more hours per day, exercised regularly, shipped in a trailer to events once per month or more, turned out only occasionally, used as a stallion or brood mare and/or fed concentrates such as processed grain, pellets, or sweet feed, they may benefit from Succeed's Digestive Conditioning Program. The Program has been developed in two forms (paste and granules) and two delivery systems, to ensure it works with your feeding programs and methods.

Top-Dress Granules - are ideal for large farms, or for those who simply prefer to apply their supplements as a top-dressing. Theyre quick and easy to use, with the provided measuring scoop just add one scoop to feed once each day.

Product Details:

  • Natural system of key nutrients
  • Easy to feed granules
  • 60 day supply for 1 horse
  • Oat Oil - Rich in Polar Lipids which are vegetable fat molecules that strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes, the intestinal cells responsible for nutrient absorption.
  • Oat Flour - Rich in Beta Glucan, a soluble fiber that provides support for a healthy immune system. Helps with nutrient absorption and can help prevent undigested starch from reaching the hindgut.
  • Yeast Products - Rich in MOS - two different extracts of yeast that help to maintain the healthy and balance of the hindgut.
  • L-Glutamine an amino acid that provides fuel to muscles and supports the immune cells in the lining of the gut.
  • L-Threonine is another amino acid that supports production of mucin, a necessary component of mucus that lubricates the GI tract lining.
More Information
UPC Code 180697000160
Brand Freedom Health Llc
Label/Size Info
Supplement Form Granules / Crumbles
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