Kalglo Heaters

September 30, 2021 1003 view(s)

Kalglo controlled electric infrared heaters are designed to provide a "spot" or "local" comfort heat in a stall or wash rack without the expense of bringing the whole barn temperature up. Infrared or radiant energy produces heating effects similar to the sun but without the visible light and UV so it will not cause sunburn. It heats only when the invisible rays strike upon a solid object (like you or your horse).

What makes these systems unique is the radiant output of the heaters, which is ontrolled by an infrared sensing, automatic feedback system. An infrared sensor "feels" the air temperature, air movement, the mean radiant temperature (MRT) of the surroundings, in addition to the infrared output of the overhead heaters that the subject feels. It sends a signal 120 times per second to the solid-state temperature control which adjusts the energy being supplied to the heaters then compensates for changes in the air temperature, air movement, or surrounding MRT. This is a very efficient system and is far superior to a slower acting, air temperature sensing only, thermostat which is just "on" or "off" providing either full radiant heat or no radiant heat. On-off switches or thermostats are OK for large, adult animals which only need heat on very cold days but are not well suited for use with radiant heaters for continuous, life-process heating of small, new-born animals. On-off switches or thermostats also cause stress on these life processes. With the Kalglo system, the heater output can be floating anywhere between "full-on" or "full-off" and it is adjusted gradually and automatically. This "floating" concept is called modulation. The result is even, stress-free, continuous radiant heat, comfortable animals, and longer life for the heater elements.

Main Benefits:

1. Infrared heats directly without wastefully heating all the air first. Heat requirements are sensed at subject level.

2. Infinite automatic modulation assures that the heaters do not run "full blast" but instead put out only the exact amount of radiant heat needed. The KWH meter records only the energy used by the heaters in accordance to the job requirements. If "solar-gain" or other sources of heat occurs, the energy input to the heaters is reduced accordingly.

Features and Specifications:

All Kalglo electric radiant infrared heaters have durable metal sheath heating elements. The heating elements carry a 5 year limited warranty against premature burnout and are field replaceable. The heaters come complete with a 7 ft. double insulated cordset with molded grounded plug, 13 ft. of hanging sash chain (to be cut in half for up to 6 1/2 ft. suspension), and hanging hardware consisting of woodscrew hooks and "S" hooks. Close the "S" hooks with pliers for secure hanging. The heaters are typically hung much like a fluorescent light fixture, although wall mounting is possible when an adjustable mounting bracket kit, model AMB-1, is used.
Kalglo heaters are all aluminum so they will not rust when used in high moisture areas. Incidental splashing will not hurt the heaters - it would be similar to a pot boiling over on an electric range. Most Kalglo heaters are intended to be used indoors for utility type purposes. They are most efficient when facing down (not angled to one side) in draft free environments. Windows and exterior doors should be kept closed whenever possible. Optimum distance between heater and subject usually ranges from 2 to 4 ft. All heaters are 5 1/2 in. wide and 5 1/2 in. high and operate on single phase voltage. 240 volt heaters have a NEMA 6-15 plug.
Protective guard grills are usually not needed but are available as an option. Heavy duty chrome plated steel easily snaps onto the heater. One grill covers 35 in. models and two grills are needed for 65 in. models. All Kalglo heaters are made in the USA.


HS-1215, HS-1215RS 120 1500 12.5 65 IN 11 LBS
HS-2420, HS-2420RS 240 2000 8.3 65 IN 11 LBS

Note: The added infrared will not increase air temperature by the stated amounts, but it will produce the approximate equivalent comfort level directly below the heater (not the entire heat pattern) as if the air temperature were increased by those amounts. The objective is to project infrared heat directly to the subject in order to replace heat from the body as fast as it is lost.

2 FT 83 DEG F 4.5X4.5 FT 108 DEG F 7X4.5 FT 125 DEG F 7X4.5 FT
3 FT 49 DEG F 5X7 FT 70 DEG F 7.5X7 FT 75 DEG F 7.5X7 FT
4 FT 37 DEG F 5.5X9.5 FT 51 DEG F 8X9.5 FT 55 DEG F 8X9.5 FT
Heaters and controllers are covered by the following U.S. Patents: 3,649,853, 3,731,055, 4,191,879.


Q.    How high should the heater be hung?
A.    The optimum distance from the heater to the subject is 2-4'. Beyond 4' above the subject the radiant heat is spread out too much to be very effective. In the case of a horse, approximately 3-4' from the horse's back is suggested.

Q.    How much clearance between the heater and the ceiling should there be?
A.    A minimum of about 6" is suggested.

Q.    Are the heaters safe for use in a barn?
A.    With any heating unit there is always a degree of risk. The risk is minimal with Kalglo heaters if you follow the directions, use common sense, and hang them with enough clearance from combustible materials and clinch the "S" hooks closed with a pair of pliers so the heater does not come off the chains if accidentally bumped. The heaters have metal heating elements - no glass to break as with heat lamps or glass tube heaters.

Q.    Can the heaters be operated 24 hours a day?
A.    Yes. If the heater is hung properly in accordance with the installation instructions and is plugged into a good outlet, it can be used as much as necessary. The heaters can last over 20 years.

Q.    Can I use an extension cord?
A.    Extension cords are not recommended, however, for temporary use you may use a heavy duty outdoor use type extension cord.

Q.    What would happen if my horse would rear up and accidentally strike the heater?
A.    If the heater is hung properly with the "S" hooks clinched, the chances of the heater breaking or hurting the animal are minimal. And since two chains hold the heater up, it is very unlikely the heater would come loose from both of them and fall to the floor. A model PGG-30 heavy duty protective guard grill that snaps into the heater is available as an option. One guard grill for 35 in. model heaters, two guard grills for 65 in. model heaters. Order PGG-30 guard grills separately.

Q.    Do I need more than one heater in a double-wide stall?
A.    Usually not. We suggest one heater per adult horse (including foal). They are smart enough to know where the heat is and they will stand under the radiant heater if they are cold.

Q.    Do I need two heaters in my wash stall?
A.    If your winters can be severely cold (Dakotas, Minnesota, etc.), you might consider using two 240 volt, 2000 watt heaters (model HS-2420). Or, if you don't have 240 volts available (hot water heaters run off 240 volts), then you should use two 120 volt, 1500 watt heaters (model HS-1215) even if your winters aren't severely cold. Many people just use one model HS-2420 in their wash stall.

Q.    Are 240 volt heaters more efficient?
A.    Yes, slightly, because the same size heater at 240 volts uses less current, thus wiring losses would be less. We usually recommend the 240 volt model HS-2420 over the 120 volt model HS-1215 whenever a 240 volt receptacle is already available, or if the installation of a 240 volt service is not a problem.

Q.    How much does it cost to operate?
A.    This question is difficult to answer because of so many variables. We can give you an example of the hourly cost of operation of two popular heater models using a round number of 8 cents per KWH as the electric rate (your cost of electricity can be calculated from your last electric bill): HS-1215RS - depending on the setting of the control (like the power level on a microwave oven) the cost would be 2.8 to 8.4 cents per hour on low to medium and 12 cents per hour on high. HS-2420RS - depending on the setting of the control (like the power level on a microwave oven) the cost would be 3.6 to 11.2 cents per hour on low to medium and 16 cents per hour on high.

Q.    Do I need a thermostat?
A.    Thermostats are usually used in enclosed tack rooms. They are not used in wash stalls. For a horse stall, the choice is up to you. A thermostat is an option that can be used with any model heater, with or without a power regulator. A thermostat serves as a convenience to automatically turn the heater on when the air temperature drops to the thermostat setting and then turn the heater off if the air temperature rises above the thermostat setting. Keep in mind the radiant heaters do not increase the air temperature very much in the horse stalls inside the barn so the thermostat is actually dependant on the outside air temperature. Most people say they are in the barn so often they don't need thermostats. They turn the heaters on when needed and off when not needed.

Q.    What is the difference between the HS-1215 and HS-1215RS?
A.    The HS-1215 is the basic model stall heater. When plugged in and voltage is applied it is on full. The HS-1215RS is the same heater except it has a power regulator built-in on one end. This power regulator (designated by the RS in the model number) is similar to using the power level on your microwave oven. It cycles the heater on and off so the average output is something less than on full. The range of control is as follows: off, variable 23% to 70%, and 100% (high).


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