Vaccinations Seminar-How to Protect Your Horse
How to Protect Your Horse!
In-depth conversation about core vaccinations.
- What core vaccinations does your horse need?
- Why is a Coggins important?
- Talk about EHV-1 and what precautions you should take?
Equine Gastric Ulcers
Equine Gastric Ulcers Diagnosing & Treating in Horses
What are Gastric Ulcers in your Equine?
Gastric ulcers are lesions in the mucosa of the horse’s stomach that can vary in size, number and severity. Mild lesions can be small and superficial, with only little reddening and thickening of the mucosa. Severe lesions can present as large, multiple ulcerations in the mucosa.
Equestrian Performance Programming thru Physical Therapy
Exercises to help you improve your riding out of the saddle.
Fine Leather Prepping and Care
Fine leather prepping and care of your english and western tack
Equestic Saddle Clip
The Equestic SaddleClip with Sporthorse Specialist Lisa Gorretta
Fly Feed Thru
Take the extra step in fly control around your barn by feeding a simple, safe and innovative fly prevention supplement like Solitude or Simplifly.